A woman's perspective on Internet Marketing

The world we live in is constantly changing, therefore we must have the courage to change for the better


Don’t waitHave you ever wondered: When is the right time to launch a business idea, make a decision to go another path in life or any question where you had to make a decision? It is not easy, but there is no one else who can make it except you. Yes, going to other people for advice or doing your own research to find answers is helpful. You and you alone make that critical decision.Learn to expect, not to doubtWhatever the decision you are trying to make, the reality is there is no right time and to wait you may never do anything. The only thing you will have is regret.




WHAT YOU GETWhat was your New Year’s Resolutions? You did your best but somehow your New Year’s Resolution never manifested itself. Have you ever wondered why nothing changes in your life? One thing for sure is the side effect from failed resolutions is guilt . Unless we are deeply committed to change, it seems to be human nature to get distracted from a resolution.

Why not consider making a list of goals you wish to accomplish. Why goals? Because goals inspire! They cause you to focus on what is important in your life. A resolution is nothing more than an attempt to fix something, to resolve it. Goals  inspire you to take action. Goal setting motivates you to achieve what you want.  It injects creativity, promotes growth and ultimately, helps you fulfill your potential. Goals help replace negative thoughts and feelings with something better. You begin to think about what you want.
You choose the direction your life takes — you assume full responsibility for your actions and their consequences.

THE GOAL YOU“Goals.There’s not telling what you can do when you get inspired by them. There’s no telling what you can do when you believe in them. There’s no telling what will happen when you act upon them.’
Jim Rohn



CREATIVITY INVOLVES“Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.”
― Mahatma Gandhi

Thus creativity in anything a person does starts from a thought process. How that thought transforms into a creative idea, will depend greatly on a person’s belief. Thus, Creativity in business is the key to success. . Looking at an idea in a different way, just  might open up a new creative idea that just might make a sale to your client.

Creativity in your business is putting yourself out there to gain market awareness of your brand. Creating attraction to demonstrate your value to potential customers. Creating and building trust with potential customers to feel that you will deliver on your promises.

“Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it.” Gandhi

Now that you know that what you are thinking plays an important part in anything you do in life.




“Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal -a commitment to excellence – that will enable you to attain the success you seek.”
Mario Andretti

WE ARE WHAT Definition of the word Habit: n. noun-A recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition

Desire is the key to motivation and habit is the foundation to create momentum to attain success in anything one wishes to do.  I am sure everyone has, at some point in time, had the desire to create but then something happens to halt the momentum to attain your goal to create a successful business. Perhaps a distraction of a personal problem or the mental state of mind, you feel, what is the use of going on. This feeling or distraction can be compared to walking up a slope while trying to push your car that stopped running.car

You are all alone, no one is a round to help push your car to the top. Your hope is ,if you reach the top, the car will go down hill.  Then you can jump into the car and pop the clutch and the car just might start. This example of a situation is no different in how you  manage to stay focused on attaining success in your Internet Business during these times of distraction.

do the difficultTHE SUCCESS CYCLE-John Ze Guruzilla.com




4) DEVELOP YOUR A.IM. (areas of improvement)

5) REPEAT THE CYCLE     goals

REMEMBER Aesop’s Fable- The Tortoise and the Hare-“

“The sun started to sink, below the horizon, and the tortoise, who had been plodding towards the winning post since morning, was scarcely a yard from the finish. At that very point, the hare woke with a jolt. He could see the tortoise a speck in the distance and away he dashed. He leapt and bounded at a great rate, his tongue lolling, and gasping for breath. Just a little more and he’d be first at the finish. But the hare’s last leap was just too late, for the tortoise had beaten him to the winning post. Poor hare! Tired and in disgrace, he slumped down beside the tortoise who was silently smiling at him.

“Slowly does it every time!” he said.”

You will attain business success just stay focused and develop your A.IM.


Three rules for good goal settings

THE INTERNET changedMy son drew this cartoon many, many years ago. Like most Mothers, we tend to save things that our children created. Inspired by his business achievements as an Internet Entrepreneur, I added words to it and sent it to him.Because the cartoon is really a reflection of him as a Internet Entrepreneur-successful.

I had no knowledge of computers, less knowledge of Network Marketing. It was by listening to my son talk about it, that I learned many things about Internet Entrepreneurs. How did he sit at the computer for long hours at a time? How did he spend hours reading and listening to educational tapes? Many years have passed and as I watch and listen to him talk about what he did and is doing, I am truly amazed at his stamina for the Internet business has its ups and downs.

“Somehow I can’t believe there are any heights that can’t be scaled by a man who knows the secret of making dreams come true. This special secret, it seems to me, can be summarized in four C’s. They are Curiosity, Confidence, Courage, and Constancy and the greatest of these is Confidence. When you believe a thing, believe it all the way, implicitly and unquestionably.”   Walt Disney

THINKING IS EASYThinking is easy and the most difficult thing is to place into action what you want. Nothing in life is easy, I am sure we all have experienced this fact. Patience and persistence will at some point in time pay off, it may not be a great success but it will be a success to some degree.

Three rules for good goal settings:

1) Take time to think about what you want most.

2) Have the courage to decide on what you want most.

3) Focus all your energy on One Goal at a time.

successsful people


before you

I read this newsletter years ago and one day I decided to create a quote/photo to use for this blog. The photo I took many years ago on a cool fall morning. I stood on the banks of the park looking across the river to the corporate building of Johnson and Johnson. The words from the newsletter seem to belong on this photo, because just like the mist rising from the water the words; “When you do make a decision, make sure it is one you feel comfortable and confident with.” seem to rise in me the answer I needed to read.

There are so many websites that have sales letter’s selling a product guaranteed to help your business grow. A person can spend money on purchases and in the end, the only one rich is the company that sold you the product.


Over the years, I always seem to come across that newsletter and once more inspired to created a quote/photo to show the importance of the words written. As I go through website after website, I ask myself this question: Is this person/company there to help me or to help themselves?

Many great motivational speakers like: Steve Covey, Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar and Mitch Axelrod have said when you help others reach their goals ,in turn you reach yours. Well, not the exact words but the idea. Or: “You don’t build a business –you build people– and then people build the business.” Zig Ziglar

“When you do make a decision, make sure it is one you feel comfortable and confident with.”John Ze Guruzilla.com




 Five short steps to create change

 Years ago I copied and pasted this to my word pad on my computer. I have to admit, modern technology makes learning so much easier.
Well that is, copying and pasting information saves time writing to one’s notebook!
 I love books and will always say:” Give me a book to hold and read is the way to go to learn.”  I find the hours spent sitting in front of a computer, and the glare on my eyes takes the joy out of learning.
 So with that said, I wish to share Sandy Wilson’s article on Internal belief system change. Where this came from, I have no idea. When I saved it, I have no idea. I do know that I am glad I went to my documents to remind me:
I still have much to change in me before I can expect others to change for me!
“All of us live our lives based on our internal belief system-we act without thinking about the why behind the actions.

In order to create change, it is necessary to get to the core belief behind the action.”- by Sandy Wilson

 Five Short Chapters on Change
 Chapter 1-
 I walk down a street and there’s a deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall in.
It takes forever to get out. It’s not my fault.
 Chapter 2
 I walk down the same street. I fall in the hole again. It still takes a
 long time to get out.It’s not my fault.
 Chapter 3-
 I walk down the same street. I fall in the hole again. It’s becoming a habit.
 It is my fault.      I get out immediately.
 Chapter 4-
I walk down the same street and see the deep hole in the sidewalk.
                                        I walk around it.
 Chapter 5-
 I walk down a different street.
How does giving up on your resolutions make you feel?
 Not so good?  People often say:
 “Oh, I just have no will power,”
 “I’m just to lazy,”
“It’s not worth the effort.”
 Think about this: There is no failure, only more information.with the new day
What did you learn about yourself when you gave up on your resolution?
Can you pinpoint the moment you gave up?
Do you remember exactly what caused you to no care anymore?
“Changing for Good”
 by Sandy Wilson, EFT-ADV

Read more…

Small opportunities often can lead to bigger ones

small opportunities

Demosthenes was a prominent Greek statesman and orator of ancient Athens whose quote is in the photo. It is hard to imagine these words from 384 B.C. are prevalent today. Perhaps what the truth is our past history is really no different from the current times. The only difference is modern technology to access our goals.
Have you ever lost something in the your home? I searched the house for my flashlight, I needed now. I even back tracked to the last known place I used it. Five minutes, ten minutes of frustration and still no flashlight. I decided it was time to give up and in the room where it should have been, I found it under a sweater that had fallen on it. What is the point you maybe asking how this fits in with small opportunities? Simply small opportunities are the ones a person overlooks, because the person has their focus on bigger opportunities. I saw the sweater on the floor. I did not bother to pick it up.Why? Because it did not look like the shape of the hand flashlight could be there, no bump, no nothing. I passed it up and wasted minutes searching, simply because of what I thought.
The Internet is like that where one searches for ways to succeed. I happened to come across an email sent to me suggesting I watch an interview with a top entrepreneur. At first glance, I quickly read it and thought it was just another ‘buy this video’. I dismissed it. Days later while going through the emails to delete the old ones, I stopped to read the very email i dismissed as unimportant. I decided to watch the interview video. It was what I thought, a sales pitch, but it also gave some great free advice. This is what I refer to as small opportunities often can lead to bigger opportunities. I now had some insight I did not have before. Remember you do not have to purchase what is being offered, but you can still absorb some important advice.


Run from fear and it will follow

     Our lives are made up of thoughts that sometimes are connected to the past of what other people said to us. Sometimes we were criticized for doing it wrong or whatever the scar is, it is time to let it go. I have lived in this place of fear and perhaps justified because I had a speech problem, I stuttered. To pick a phone up and speak on it was torture. The worse torture was looking in the eyes of a person as I tried to speak. Looking away from me made it worse for me. Why? Because looking away made me feel that it was to much for that person to listen to me as I tried to speak. Somewhere from the time I became an adult and a Mother, things changed for me. I do not know when my speech got better, other than having responsibilites of raising a child came first. So my fears had to take back seat and be there for my son. From factory worker where I did not have to speak to a job dealing with customers in person and on the phone. Was it an easy transition, NO. It was hell, but each time I faced a fear it lessened its hold on me. So the above video is the fear I thought I could not do. Is it perfect-NO. Is it good- to ME-Yes. Part of me thinks what other people will think and then there is the other part is there will be people who mock my efforts. Those people are the sad and hurt people striking out, because they do not know what else to do. I understand and feel for them that they do not try to seek help. The video was week two challenge of the Internet course-“Quick Start Challenge” to make a video and publish it on You Tube. So, I did. When you run from fear, she will follow you all through your life. Fear will zap you of energy, because you will use your life force energy to make excuses why you can not do it. You might even blame others for your fear. The truth is stop all the lies. No one is to blame for that person was human with the same fears and problems you have. Take responsibility for yourself and see the world as it is-a place of challenge. The journey begins in your mind and then it starts with the first effort to go forward to what you seek. Take the challenge and start it today. http://www.gomobile2014,com http://www.guruzilla.com

Beyond the cookbook into the world of the Internet Marketing

To know where you want to go

When I think about how the world has changed and the many challenges presented today in our life, I think what next? I question myself do I really have goals? The dictionary defines goals as:
“Any object of ambition or desire.” Well, at this point in my life, I realize I have goals. Well, they maybe small goals but goals all the same. Small goals are just as important as the lofty goals that strive to achieve fame and wealth. One must remember, a child must learn to crawl before the child can stand and then walk.

I often think while navigating the Internet that it is like walking into a supermarket. Down each aisle are products which are all made by different companies. All of the same product’s basically, containing all the same ingredients. So which one to choose is the question asked of oneself as you stand there looking. Which one will be worth the price?
I am sure, we have all experienced purchasing Internet programs that will help us in the Internet Marketing field. Choosing the right program is just like using a cookbook to find the right recipe. There is no guarantee when you made the choice that you will like it or it will turn out the way you hoped it would.
So the question I ask myself: “What is the answer to Internet Marketing?” Perhaps, the answer for me has been reading the ‘Sales Page’. If it sounds to easy and promises of making a fortune that can be the first signal that this is the time to leave quickly.
All you have lost is some of your time and not any of your money.


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